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"The essence of mathematics lies in its freedom"

Georg Cantor

Laura Baldelli

IMAG “María de Maeztu” Postdoc position    
Institute of Mathematics
University of Granada
C. Ventanilla 11, 18-001 Granada, Spain

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7647-8244

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Scientific interests

Nonlinear Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Variational Methods, A priori estimates, Liouville type theorems, Existence and multiplicity results, Schödinger-type equations, Quasilinear operators.


  • 11/2018 - 10/2021
    Phd in Mathematics, Informatics, Statistics at the University of Firenze, Italy, “in consortium” with the University of Perugia and INdAM (XXXIV Cycle), supervisor Prof. Filippucci. 
    Dissertation on 22/3/2022:
    Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear elliptic problems.
  • 10/2016 - 26/10/2018
    Master's Degree in Mathematics at the University of Perugia, Italy, with the grade 110/110 cum laude, supervisor Prof. Filippucci. Thesis title: Existence of solutions for quasilinear problems with gradient terms.
  • 10/2013 - 29/09/2016
    Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics at the University of Perugia, Italy, with the grade 110/110 cum laude, supervisor Prof. Filippucci. Thesis title: Complementi sulla convergenza uniforme delle serie di Fourier (Complements on the uniform convergence of Fouries series).
  • 09/2008 - 07/2013
    Graduated at the Liceo Scientifico “G. Alessi” in Perugia, Italy, with the grade 100/100.


  • 1/11/2023 - 31/10/2025
    IMAG 2023 Postdoctoral contracts on the topic “Modelling and differential equations” supported by IMAG Excellence Seal “María de Maeztu” at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada, Spain.
  • 1/5/2022 - 31/10/2023
    Assistant Professor at Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
  • (Not benefited) Assistant Professor at Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, from 1/11/2023 (1year contract).
  • (Not benefited) Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland, in the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, from 1/10/2023 (4year contract).
  • (Not benefited) Samuel Eilenberg Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland, in the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, from 1/10/2023 (4year contract).

Formation courses

  • 2014
    Meeting, by invitation, for all the recipients of scholarship INdAM held at the University of Perugia, Italy.
  • 2015
    Meeting, by invitation, for all the recipients of scholarship INdAM held at the University of Perugia, Italy.
  • 2018
    “Tecniche di biforcazione in problemi variazionali geometrici” (Bifurcation techniques on variational geometrical problems) PhD course held by prof. Piccione at Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy.
  • 2019
    “Normalized solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations and systems” PhD course held by prof. Bartsh and “Minmax methods for the area of surfaces” PhD course held by prof. Rivière at University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.
  • 2019
    “Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria” (Mathematical academy summer school)  (SMI) at the University of Perugia, Italy, with final score A+ in the course “Functional Analysis” held by prof. Ghergu and A+ in the course “Differential Geometry” held by prof. Ornea.
  • 2020
    “Classical and fractional partial differential equations under different perspectives” PhD course held by prof.s Valdinoci, Dipierro, Lombardini, at the University of Milano, Italy.
  • 2020
    “Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria” (Mathematical academy summer school) SMI, Cortona Palazzone of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy, course “Transport and Fluids” held online by prof. Bianchini and prof. Marcati.
  • 2020
    “Maximum principle and detours” 2020 RISM, Varese Villa Toeplitz, Italy, held online by prof. Capuzzo Dolcetta.
  • 2021
    “Gamma-convergenza e applicazioni alla teoria dell'elasticità” (Gamma convergence and applications of elasticity theory) PhD course held online by prof. Focardi and prof. Lazzaroni.
  • 2021
    “Campanato Spaces and their Application to Regularity of Solutions to PDEs”, PhD course held online by prof. Vespri.
  • 2021
    “Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria” (Mathematical academy summer school) SMI, Cortona Palazzone of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy, course “Function spaces and generalized regularity” held online by prof. Leoni and prof. Tice.
  • 2022
    “The monotonicity trick and applications” 2022, RISM, Varese Villa Toeplitz, Italy, held by prof. Struwe.
  • 2023
    Schauder Winter School “Geometric and Topological Methods in Dynamics of PDEs” 2023, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, held by prof.s Cieślak, Starostka, Kokocki, Ćwiszewski, in which I presented a poster with title "Infinitely many solutions to generalized quasilinear critical Schrodinger equations R^N".
  • 2023
    “Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis 2023” held by prof.s Felli, Krejcirik, Lev, at the University of Padova, Italy, online
    Talk: “Existence of normalized solutions to a class of (2, q)-Laplacian equations in R^N”.
  • 2023
    “A summer school about modern trends in Geometric Analysis and PDE” held by Prof.s Bethuel, Hajlasz, Malchiodi, Musso, in Chęciny, Świętokrzyskie Mountains, Poland
    Poster: "Singular and coercive generalized Schrodinger equations R^N involving critical exponents".


  • L. Baldelli, R. Filippucci, "A priori estimates for elliptic problems via Liouville type theorems", Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, Special Issue on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Patrizia Pucci, 13 (2020) 1883-1898.
  • L. Baldelli, R. Filippucci, "Existence results for elliptic problems via a priori estimates", Nonlinear Anal. 198 (2020), 22 pp.
  • L. Baldelli, Y. Brizi, R. Filippucci, "Multiplicity results for (p,q)-Laplacian equations with critical exponent in R^N and negative energy", Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 60 (2021) 30 pp.
  • L. Baldelli, R. Filippucci, "Existence of solutions for critical (p,q) equations in R^N", Commun. Contemp. Math., 2150109, (2022), 26 pp.
  • L. Baldelli, Y. Brizi, R. Filippucci, "On symmetric solutions of a (p,q) Laplacian equations in R^N with critical terms", J. Geom. Anal., 32 (2022), 25 pp.
  • L. Baldelli, R. Filippucci, "Multiplicity for singular quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical Sobolev exponent in R^N", Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 21 (2022), 2561-2586.
  • L. Baldelli, S. Ciani, I.I. Skrypnik, V. Vespri, "A note on the point-wise behaviour of bounded solutions for a non-standard elliptic operator", Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S., 17 (2024), 1718-1732.
  • L. Baldelli, V. Brizi, R. Filippucci, "Existence and nonexistence of positive radial solutions of a quasilinear Dirichlet problem with diffusion", J. Differential Equations, 359 (2023), 107-151.
  • L. Baldelli, R. Filippucci, "Multiplicity results for generalized quasilinear critical Schrödinger equations in R^N", Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 31 (2024), 31 pp.
  • L. Baldelli, U. Guarnotta, ”Existence and regularity for a p-Laplacian problem in R^N with singular, convective, critical reaction”, to appear in Adv. Nonlinear Anal.
  • L. Baldelli, T. Yang, ”Normalized solutions to a class of (2,q)-Laplacian equations”, arXiv: 2212.14873.
  • L. Baldelli, D. Krejcirik, ”Curved nonlinear waveguides”, arXiv:2312.10357.
  • L. Baldelli, J. Mederski, A. Pomponio, ”Normalized solutions to Born-Infeld and quasilinear problems”, arXiv:2312.15025.
  • L. Baldelli, B. Bieganowski, J. Mederski, "Traveling waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations",  arXiv:2406.03910.
  • L. Baldelli, R. Filippucci, "A priori estimates for convective equations and systems", submitted.
  • L. Tomassini, R. Scendoni, G. Bianchini, L. Baldelli, P. Fedeli, M. Cingolani, "Transitioning from conventional to digital methods for estimating time since death: a multi-parameter forensic software", submitted.

Referee Activity

  • Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews since 2020.
  • Referee for the Journals “Ricerche di Matematica”, "Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis", "Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik".


  • Scholarship from Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM) at the competition for 22 scholarships for students attending the 1st year Degree in Mathematics in any Italian University during the a.y. 2013/2014.
  • Renewal scholarship of INdAM for the 2nd year according to the guidelines (passing all the exams of a.y. 2014/2015, with the mean over 27/30 and no grade under 24/30).
  • Renewal scholarship of INdAM for the 3rd year according to the guidelines (passing all the exams of a.y. 2014/2015, 2015/2016 with the mean over 27/30 and no grade under 24/30).
  • Reward “Atleta Eccellente, Eccellente Studente” with “Menzione d’onore” from the Commissione Nazionale Atleti CONI for athletes in the National Team in the year 2018 getting a Master Degree in the same year.
  • Reward “Medaglia di Bronzo al Valore Atletico” for international results obtained in the year 2017.
  • Reward “Medaglia di Bronzo al Valore Atletico” for international results obtained in the year 2019.


  • 13-14/03/2019
    "Variational approaches to PDE's: A short school in Rome", University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.
  • 17/05/2019, 22/11/2019, 30/10/2020, 4/06/2021
    "Incontri di Analisi Matematica tra Firenze, Pisa e Siena" (Meetings between Firenze, Pisa and Siena), Italy.
  • 16-18/01/2020
    "Conference MATA (Multivariate Approximation: Theory and Applications) 2020", University of Perugia, Italy.
  • 3-5/02/2020
    "Workshop on Nonlinear PDEs and Applications on the occasion of the retirement of Professor Maria Cesarina Salvatori", University of Perugia, Italy.
  • 3/9/2020-15/12/2020
    "Webinar on pde and related areas", Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT-K) in collaboration with TIFR-CAM, IISER-Pune e IISER-Kolkata, Online.
  • 23-24/11/2020
    "Matematica, Filosofia e pandemia: dall' incertezza al pensiero critico" (Mathematics, Philosophy and pandemic: from the uncertainty to the critical thought), RISM, University of Insubria, Online.
  • 10-11/12/2020
    "INdAM day 2020", Online.
  • 1/2/2021
    "A day with Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano", Online.
  • 26/3/2021
    Workshop online from the research center "Lamberto Cesari".
  • 28/5/2021
    "INdAM day 2021", Online.
  • 18/6/2021
    "Workshop on PDEs and Applications", University of Perugia, Online.
  • 1-2/07/2021
    "Two nonlinear days in Urbino 2021", University of Urbino, Online.
  • 19-25/09/2021
    "12th Forum of Partial Differential Equations", Palace Bedlewo, Poland.
    Talk"Nonlinear elliptic critical problems in R^N".
  • 1/10/2021
    "One day in PDEs in honor of Sandro Salsa", Online.
  • 20-24/06/2022
    “Summer School in Nonlinear Analysis”, University of Viterbo, Italy.
  • 2-5/08/2022
    "International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations”, Xi’an, China, Online.
  • 5-9/09/2022
    “Qualitative and quantitative aspects of nonlinear PDEs”, University of Bari, Italy.
  • 19-22/09/2022
    “International Workshop on Nonlinear Differential Problems”, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy
    Poster: "Nonlinear elliptic critical problems in R^N".
  • 5-7/12/2022
    “Recent advances in direct and inverse problems for PDEs and applications”
    Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Online.
  • 11-12/05/2023
    “Workshop: Diffusion in Warsaw”, 
    Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, MIMUW, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 18-19/05/2023
    "International Banach Prize PTM Conference”, 
    Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 29-31/05/2023
    “Analysis and PDEs”, 
    RISM, Varese at Villa Toeplitz, Italy
    Poster: "Positive radial solutions of a quasilinear Dirichlet problem with diffusion".
  • 24-28/07/2023
    “Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2023 - WOTCA 2023”, 
    University of Évora, Portugal.
  • 30/10/2023 - 03/11/2023
    “Atlantic Conference in Nonlinear PDEs: Dispersive and Elliptic Equations and Systems”, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
    Poster: “Existence and nonexistence of radial solutions to m-Laplacian equations with diffusion via blow-up”.
  • 23-25/11/2023
    “50 years of Mountain Pass Theorem: a conference to celebrate the theorem and its authors”, SISSA, Trieste Italy.
  • 22-26/01/2024
    "New Trends in Nonlinear PDE's, Physics and Geometry", University of Granada, Spain.
  • 17-18/05/2024
    “Two Nonlinear Days at the anniversary of Patrizia Pucci's retirement”, University of Perugia, Italy.
  • 3-7/06/2024
    “CIRM conference on Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators”, Marseille, France.
    Talk: "Curved quantum nonlinear waveguides".
  • 8-12/07/2024
    "Alhambra PDE days", University of Granada, Spain.
  • 22-26/07/2024
    “Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2024 - WOTCA 2024”, University of Madeira, Portugal.
  • 26-28/09/2024
    “Nonlinear Analysis and Elliptic PDEs”, San José, Almeria, Spain.

Invited talks

  • 28/10/2019
    “Existence results for elliptic problems with gradient terms”, talk held on the PhD Thesis’s argument (1st year), University of Perugia.
  • 6/10/2020
    “Critical problems in R^N”, talk held on the PhD Thesis’s argument (2nd year), University of Firenze, online.
  • 27/01/2021
    “Insalate di Matematica”, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, online.
    Talk: “Liouville Theorems: developments and applications”.
  • 17/9/2021
    "Critical problems in R^N with symmetries”, talk held on the PhD Thesis’s argument (3rd year), University of Firenze, online.
  • 1-6/05/2022
    "Recent trends in nonlinear and dispersive equations: equilibria, stability, dynamics”, Palace Bedlewo, Poland.
    Talk: "Singular quasilinear critical Schrödinger equations in R^N".
  • 11-15/07/2022
    "Equadiff 15", Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
    Talk: "Nonlinear elliptic critical problems in R^N".
  • 24-29/07/2022
    "Topics in variational problems arising from models in physics", Palace Bedlewo, Poland.
    Talk: "Singular quasilinear critical Schrödinger equations in R^N".
  • 20/3/2023
    IMPAN Differential Equations Seminar, IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland.
    Talk: “Normalized solutions to a class of (2, q)-Laplacian equations”.
  • 20/6/2023
    “Workgroup Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, online.
    Talk: “Infinitely many solutions to generalized quasilinear critical Schrödinger equations in R^N”.
  • 25-28/7/2023
    “Young Researchers in Functional Analysis and Mathematical Physics - YRFAMP'23“, University of Évora, Portugal.
    Talk: “A class of generalized quasilinear elliptic equations with critical nonlinearities in R^N”
  • 14-16/9/2023
    “VIII weekend on Variational Methods and Differential Equations “,
     University of Catania, Italy.
    Talk: “Positive radial solutions of a quasilinear Dirichlet problem with diffusion”.
  • 16/10/2023
    IMPAN Variational methods and PDEs Seminar, IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland.
    Talk: “Existence results for nonlinear elliptic equations with degenerate coercivity via blow-up”.
  • 14/03/2024
    “Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales”, University of Granada, Spain.
    Talk: “Normalized solutions to the Born-Infeld problem and a class of (2, q)-Laplacian equations”.
  • 20-21/03/2024
    “I ENCUENTRO IMAG”, University of Granada, Spain.
    Talk: “Shades of Liouville-type theorems”.
  • 20-24/5/2024
    “International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: GAETA 2024”, Gaeta, Italy.
    Talk: “A p-Laplacian problem in R^N with singular, convective, critical reaction”.
  • 17-21/06/2024
    Special session “Variational methods and critical points” during the conference “VIII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis”, Torun, Poland.
    Talk: “Prescribed mass in the Born-Infeld problem and in a class of (2,q)-Laplacian equation”.
  • 24-28/06/2024
    “XXVIII Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones/ XVIII Congreso de Matemática Aplicada (CEDYA/CMA)”, Bilbao, Spain.
    Talk: “A priori estimates for quasilinear elliptic systems”.
  • 15-19/07/2024 
    “9th European Congress of Mathematics (9ECM)”, Seville, Spain.
    Talk: “Existence of solutions with prescribed norm for the Born-Infeld problem and a class of (2,q)-Laplacian equation”.
  • 23-25/07/2024
    “Young Researchers in Functional Analysis and Mathematical Physics'24“, University of Madeira, Portugal.
    Talk: “The Dirichlet p-Laplacian in tubes”.
  • 25-27/09/2024
    "Young Researchers Meeting on PDEs", University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
    Talk: "A quasilinear problem with a serious lack of compactness"
  • 16-20/12/2024 (planned)
    Talk in the special session "New Achievements in Nonlinear PDEs and Applications" at "The 14th AIMS Conference", Abu Dhabi, UAE
    Talk: "Normalized solutions to the Born-Infeld and related problems"
  • 13-17/01/2025 (planned)
    Talk in the parallel session "Partial Differential Equations I: Elliptic and Parabolic Equations" at "VII Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME", Bilbao, Spain
    Talk: "Traveling waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations"
  • 13-17/01/2025 (planned)
    Talk in the parallel session "Partial Differential Equations III: Mathematical Analysis and Application" at "VII Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME", Bilbao, Spain
    Talk: "On curved nonlinear waveguides"

Organized conferences

  • 16-20/12/2024 (planned)
    Organization of a special session entitled "Advances on nonlinear elliptic PDEs" at "The 14th AIMS Conference" together with Prof. Filippucci, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Visit by invitation

  • Visit to the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, under the invitation of Prof. David   Krejcirik.
    Talk: “Infinitely many solutions to generalized quasilinear critical Schrödinger equations in R^N”
  • Visit to the University of Catania, Italy, under the invitation of Prof. Sunra Mosconi and PhD Umberto Guarnotta.

Tutorials and exercises

  • Contract of tutorials or support for the action D of PLS (Piano Lauree Scientifiche) National Project of Biology and Biotechnology, 40 hours, a.y. 2016/2017.
  • Training at the University of Perugia with academic tutor Prof. R. Filippucci, as Master degree program, achieved by exercise part and tutorials (75 hours) for “Mathematical Analysis III” (MAT/05), Degree in Mathematics, a.y. 2016/2017.
  • Seminars as part of Master Class: "Modelli matematici nelle scienze della vita” in PLS (Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche) of Mathematics at the University of Perugia, 21/02/2024 and 8/03/2024.
  • Exercise part and tutorials for “Mathematical Analysis III” (MAT/05), II semester, Degree in Mathematics, University of Perugia, during the a.y. 2017/2018, 2018/2019 (16 hours), 2019/2020 (16 hours), 2020/2021 (24 hours).
  • Member of the examination board, with the title of "Cultore della Materia", for “Mathematical Analysis III” (MAT/05), Degree in Mathematics, and “Modern Analysis” (MAT/05), Master Degree in Mathematics during the a.y. 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021.


  • 24 CFU certification in psycho-pedagogical disciplines and teaching methodologies (6/2/2019).
  • “Matematica” (Mathematics) inside the formative course “Tecnico superiore per i metodi e le tecnologie per lo sviluppo di sistemi software con specializzazione in sistemi IT, cloud computing, big data e applicazioni grafiche (IT Specialist in Development of Cloud, Data and Graphics Applications) Sezione A - Biennio 2022-2024” at ITS Umbria, 30 hours, a.y. 2022/2023.
  • "Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales" (Grupo: B, in english), Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, University of Granada, a.y. 2023/2024, 25 hours.
  • "Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales" (Grupo: B, in english), Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, University of Granada, a.y. 2024/2025, 25 hours. (Planned)

Thesis supervisor

  • a.y. 2022/2023 master thesis supervisor at the University of Perugia entitled “Semilinear Elliptic Equations in R^N with a Singular Nonlinearity” together with Prof. Roberta Filippucci. Dissertation on 26/04/2024.
  • a.y. 2024/2025 master thesis supervisor at the University of Perugia entitled “Schrödinger-Poisson systems involving (p, q)-Laplacian operator” together with Prof. Roberta Filippucci (In progress).
  • a.y. 2024/2025 master thesis supervisor at the University of Perugia entitled “Normalized solutions for (p,q)-Laplacian equations” together with Prof. Roberta Filippucci (In progress).

Memberships and grants

  • Member of the Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Matematica, la Probabilità e le loro Applicazioni (GNAMPA) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM) from 2019 on.
  • Project GNAMPA-INDAM 2023 “Problemi ellittici e parabolici con termini di reazione singolari e convettivi”, coordinator PhD. U. Guarnotta.


  • Laura Baldelli et al., patent application for invention in Italy n. 102024000009799 deposited on 30/04/2024.

Personal Skills

  • In 2012, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 member of the National Archery Team.
  • Archery National Events
    2nd place, “Coppa delle regioni”, in 2010.
    2nd place, “Indoor Championship”, 2011.
    2nd place, “Targa Championship
    ”, 2013.
    1st place, “Coppa delle regioni”, 2014.
    1st place, “HF Championship”, 2014.
    2nd place, “Targa Championship”, 2014.
    1st place, “Coppa delle regioni”, 2017.
    2nd place, “HF Championship”, 2017.
    2nd place, “Indoor Championship”, 2018.
    1st place, “HF Championship”, 2019.
    2nd place, “HF Championship”, 2021.
  • Archery International Events
    Convocation at “European Junior Cup” at Paphos (CYP) in 2011.
    Convocation at “European Junior Cup” at Porec (CRO) in 2012.
    3rd place at “World field Championship” at Zagabria (CRO) in 2014.
    Convocation at “World Archery University Championship” at Ulaanbaatar (MGL).
    3rd place at “European field Championship” at Mokrice (SLO) in 2017.
    Convocation at “European field Championship” at Mokrice (SLO) in 2019.
    Convocation at “European field Championship” at Porec (CRO) in 2021.
  • English Level B2 at CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo), University of Perugia, 7/6/2019.
  • English Level C1 at CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo), University of Perugia, 21/1/2020.
  • Driving licence.

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